Happy Mothers Day! I hope yours was as peaceful as mine. I spent a good part of the day on the track getting any newly popped up ferns out of the track and putting one of the barrel feeders up. It took me quite a while to finish the lid and get the thing up the tree by myself. Frankie had fun approach me as I was working, smelling the barrel and then bolting off. Emma just stood there chewing her cud like she was eating popcorn and watching a show! I guess goats are fearless against giant horse eating blue barrels of death!

Frankie spent most of his time roaming back and fourth along the track today. He seems to really enjoy it out there. The only big problem I have had is the hoard of ticks that has terrorized us all week. I bought some stuff from the feed store that I mixed to sponge on him and it has really helped. I need to mix a lower strength dose for the Everett and Emma. It has helped Frankie but they will be bad for another month probably before we see some relief.

Next on my list of to-do's is to hopefully find a pasture mate for Frankie. I need to find a boarder that will fit in nicely with my small setup and likes the track. I was hoping to find someone by August so I can have a few weeks while still on summer break to monitor them closely before the new school year starts. I think I can make the run in more comfortable for two by adding a porch onto the front of it.
Frankie and I had a nice ride together after dinner and I think he was totally tuckered out when we came home. Life is good!