Thought I was right on schedule until last Saturday and I went out to do a little work on the track. When I first walked down to the area I was working on I didn't notice the broken pole until I stepped on the pieces. My neighbor's boys have recently gotten two ATV'S and according to the tire tracks they had ridden right through my pole and broke it in half. They have been riding in the woods every day and the noise is starting to get to me. Our property connects and they have been having a blast riding all over their adjoining five acres. Now, these are friends of mine and my boys and theirs grew up together so I can't say a word to them because they have every right to ride back there on their own property. They are nice guys but I just can't believe that after all these years of no one going back there they pick now to do this. Frankie is all freaked out over the noise and at night there are lights flying through the woods. Of course every time they zoom up the hill the ceremonious WHOOOOOHOOOOOO! has to be sounded as well! So the broken pole kinda was icing on the cake. It was an accident I am sure and no big deal to fix but still I got really frustrated. Next, my neighbor comes walking down the hill obviously upset over my fence and wanting to find the exact property line. I think he thought I had gone way off the line but after we spent some time going over the area we found that I only went over at two places. Both of those I new I was over but his wife said it was ok because she was going to connect to it too. So again not the end of the world but I did hate for him to be upset with me.
Today I spent moving the line and redoing some poles and taking off some hardware. I had to cut a portion of track out completely to avoid his property. My biggest concern is one area that comes very close to my stream and the gully that surrounds that part of it. I had to narrow out the track at that point and the footing is a little tricky for him. It is safe enough but I hated to have to change that one area. it is just my bad luck the property line comes so close to to the gully. It could be worse and I would be totally cut off from the back of my property so I am trying to stay positive.
As I start to see the track come together and the top rung of fence going up I am getting excited as well as nervous too. I guess it is pre-fence test jitters! He will be a spaz in the beginning and I just don't want him to hurt himself. Then there is the ATV issue. If they are back there Frankie will have to come in. They ride the fence line at top speed and the motor on those things are very loud. Frankie will go nuts for sure! I just hope they get bored with them soon and the summer heat will chase them away. I am a high school art teacher and we are on Spring break for a week, the weather is looking good so I hope to finish the track before break is over. When I get him on it I will have to do mornings in order to avoid the ATV's. Maybe Frankie will get use to the machines and not be bothered by them after a while. He will ride on the road with eighteen wheelers flying by but then things like lawn mowers and ATV's will freak him out! This certainly has been interesting so far.
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